Showing posts with label Career and Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Career and Education. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2022

Work-life balance or money matters in IT professionals’ life


In recent times, there has been a huge increase in attrition rates across the IT companies and most professionals prefer higher package while switching. While it may depend on individual’s preference and may often have justification for their preferences. However, I prefer work-life balance and peace of mind over higher package. Following was few of my perception on why I prefer to stay in my current job over the high paying new job:
  • Getting work done in quick time and leveraging internal connects: When your stay in a company for a long time, it always works out for you, as you can get your work completed in quick time and reach out to peers for any additional queries or suggestions. However, if you are moving to new company, if you must figure out things to get it done and may find difficulties in reaching out to relevant stakeholders to get clarifications.
  • Work-Life balance and peace of mind: Often work-life balance depends on the specific project and company’s policies. If you are tagged into a good project with no work on weekends or late nights and have comfortable work exposure at your existing company, then there is no point in switching to the new job and lose out your peace of mind or invaluable times with your family.

Above perception of not to change job for high pay package may change for person to person and it always based on individual’s preference of whether they want more money or peace of mind. For more such articles, please feel free to check out the articles published in “G R Team Sites”

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Completed unwanted task list from Onsite team

After clarification from the onsite team, my entire focus should be on the task list shared and not to work on any other suggestions or comments from my manager or any other person for that matter. I was a bit relieved in this direction from the onsite team as all the task list shared by the onsite team would not take more than an hour and any inputs or suggestions from my manager will be irrelevant due to the clear directions from the onsite team. By the end of the day, I have completed all the tasks assigned by the onsite team and in the daily status calls, I presented my work to them. Surprisingly, there were no new suggestions or inputs from the onsite team, and they were acknowledging my effort on the task list. However, I did not know that all these efforts will be in vain and I had to start from scratch post clarification from the Client. To check out the new workload on this opportunity, please feel free to check out the blog posts listed in "G R Team Sites"

Monday, June 8, 2020

Job loss during Coronavirus

To recap shortly, I took a long vacation before Covid-19 pandemic striking across country and got mail communication from my office that my job is secured, and the situation would not impact my salary structure. Even though the mail communication was consoling about the job, there was slight fear in me about the status of my job, as there was not even a single mail communication happening in the team and it was bothering me more than anything else. I wanted to check with my colleague about the work status in our team and called him up to validate the same. We spoke for about 15 mins and the discussions were mainly focused on our future in the company and our job security. To my surprise, he was mentioning that the entire team had work during my vacation and the Covid-19 pandemic situation gripping over the world. In addition, our team manager had mentioned that our team can connect from home until further notice and don’t need to worry about Covid-19 situation. To know more about what happened, please feel free to check out the blog posts in “G R Team Sites”

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Convincing my manager about the work

After getting message from my manager, that all my work on weekend is irrelevant to the client requirements and all the slides have to be reworked again. I was furious at him and was asking him questions about exact client requirements. Now he took a step back and was consoling me that these on-site guys always have the habit of sharing the irrelevant information to us. My manager himself understood that whatever information that I have shared was relevant and I didn’t want him to embarrass further and told him that let’s take the version whatever I have shared to the on-site and get their inputs before even making iterations on the deck. He acknowledged the fact and this time he conveyed to the delivery people that we will take this version to on-site and after getting their inputs we will work on the client requirements. I felt relieved and was hoping to get some relevant information from the on-site team and they acknowledge my work. However exact opposite things happened and to know more, please feel free to check out the blog posts in “G R Team sites”.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Smooth review call, however got escalated to my manager

So, the offshore delivery POC and I was working hard to address as much as comments possible, shared by the offshore lead before the scheduled call. But we were able to address only few of those comments and was expecting the other comments to be addressed by the on-site team. The call started and I was running through the updates that was made in the daytime to the on-site team and was detailing the comments shared by the offshore delivery lead and was requesting their support to address those comments. The on-site team was conveying that few of those comments shared by offshore delivery lead was irrelevant and they would try to address few comments. They were also debating about the information that would be going into the final slide pack and finally they were agreeing to the common storyline. The call got over in smooth manner and the hand off was done to the on-site team for making their updates. However, I got escalation mail from my manager to discuss about the call happened and suggestions shared by offshore delivery lead. Read more about the escalation from G R Team sites.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Rating finalized for me for the current year

I was waiting anxiously for the day to get information about my rating for the current year and I was sure that I would not be awarded last rating. However, it all depends on my manger and inputs from my colleagues across different location. I was working in the office anxiously for the finalized rating and I was sure that it would be shared earliest in a day or two. Suddenly I got a ping from my old teammate who had moved to new team that what was my rating and the comments shared by my manager. Without any clue about my rating I was conveying him that I have no idea about the rating or the feedback from the manager. He was persistent about the rating and was requesting me to check the portal for the finalized rating. To my surprise the finalized rating was shared and to add further to my surprise, I was awarded first rating in my team and read about more about my excitement from the posts in “G R Team Sites”

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Another work day on tight opportunity

The other delivery person was able to manage the questions quite well and accounts team was pretty much okay with the shape of the proposal. However, there was a twist in the tale, the accounts team was providing various inputs to be incorporated in the deck and the call got over without much escalations. Post the call, I get call from another delivery person checking whether the updates to be made either today or tomorrow. I was like, “what the hell” there is no possibility of completing the changes in middle of the night and it takes lot of time to complete. So, let us incorporate all the changes suggested tomorrow and we can share near final version by tomorrow night. Initially the delivery person was hesitant, but later she agreed upon and disconnected the call. Now comes the most irritating part of working in this opportunity, few mins later this discussion I get call from my manager requesting status update on the call and whether I would be able to manage it. I said all the process are on track and we would be able to complete the work by tomorrow. However, before finishing it there were lot work in between and continue reading at “G R Team Sites”

Monday, September 10, 2018

17. Thought Recalculation of Salary Hike

After knowing from one of my colleagues that he got close to same hike which I have got and another colleague who got unimaginable hike percentage, I was devastated and was cursing myself for my fortune. My entire day got spoiled up and I don’t want to work on any opportunities assigned to me, due to low hike percentage and others being rewarded, while I was the one who has put in lot of effort in the team. Now I wanted to reach home early, just to soak in to my bad luck and low hike percentage. All of a sudden one of my team members, who was a manager pinging me, I thought he wanted to assign me new work and all of a sudden without any hesitation he asked me what was the hike percentage. After few minutes of silence, I conveyed him that I have not yet calculated my percentage and would convey him when I calculate it. He conveyed me that he wanted check whether the hike percentage was same for us or it differs from delivery team. But later I came to know that he actually betrayed me, continue reading at “G R Team Sites”.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Still working on complex opportunity

Now I had to patch all teams and needed to make a promise that I would own up this opportunity including scheduling calls with this complex delivery expert. To ensure smoothness for the opportunity I have scheduled call with both new complex delivery expert and with old delivery expert with whom I had good rapport. Everything I was hoping to work out went out loose and was backfiring me, the new delivery expert was directly speaking with and he avoided speaking with my old delivery expert and the old delivery expert did the same. Of everyone in the call, I am the only person who didn’t have any clue about what’s happening in the call. After few discussions and mails, finally I figured out both had ego issues with each and I had to sort it out to complete this opportunity. However, they were in no mood to listen up with my discussion and was firing with each other on every call I had scheduled. I had very bad time of conveying message with respective delivery expert and was totally pissed off. Both delivery expert was curbing about each other in separate calls with me and was about to escalate each other. Continue reading at “G R Team Sites”

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Law for Employment Information

The recession is making employment law issues a top business priority. So, make sure you get advice or information about the employment law from a high quality network available in Internet. There are many networks available in market that provides competitively priced, expert employment law protection packages for businesses with up to 20 employees. The comprehensive, flexible and easy-to-use employment law service created, reviewed and regularly updated by fully regulated, specialist employment law firms. When it comes to employment law make sure that you get information or advice from a high quality network you can trust. The SME employment law easy to use service helps to keep you updated about legal compliant, and helps to protect you from any potentially disastrous legal actions. If you are running business with 20 employees, then make sure that you have known information about rights of employers. There are employment law firms available in market that provides high quality information or advice about employment law. There are many features included by employment law firms such as secured online employment law manual available for 24/7, get library of over 170 regularly updated employment documents that give you detailed, step-by-step guides to all your employment law issues and a lot more stuff included.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Get LEED Course Information

If you are looking to take up creative, unique and creative career, then joining LEED would be the best option. The LEED is known as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council or USGBC. LEED is the most distinguished and widely accepted environmental design and green building certification. There are many networks available in the country that provides LEED certification for consumers, but be sure that you select the best place to do your certification. There are many accredited USGBC providers and the nation's premier LEED training firms available, make sure that you select leed courses in a high quality network. The network where you take up leed certification must help you pass the LEED AP Exam, certify your LEED project, or simply expand your sustainable building knowledge, teach you everything you need to know about sustainable, green building practices either for certification or your own edification and a lot more stuff related to LEED. There are even many LEED consulting networks in Internet that give LEED training and resources, advice and help on possible LEED projects, organization for documentation, management, LEED meetings, and a lot more source about LEED. If you are about to select LEED course, then make sure that you study LEED course in high quality network.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Information of New business school

Rajagiri Business School, the new institution founded by the Rajagiri College of Social Sciences Society, based in Kochi, recently inaugurated their distinctive offering, postgraduate in diploma in management(PGDM) in the areas of marketing, finance, human resources and information systems. The programme focuses on current developments in knowledge and practice in the world of management with emphasis on quantitative skills, soft skills and social sensitivity. It is aimed at comprehensive and integral development of individuals. developing procative and socially sensitive management professionals by imparting training in required technical, human and conceptual skills and providing training to the students to enable them to apply the best practices in management.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Testing Tool for MBA aspirants, an online testing platform, has launched "Test Generator", a testing tool aimed at helping MBA aspirants currently gearing up for next month's Common Admission Test(CAT). "This testing tool will help boost students' exam preperation. Now, they would be in a better position to fine-tune his benchmarking by customising length, number of questions, types of questions, number of sections, difficulty levels, megative markings, all leading to better performance," said CEO, Kamal Wadhera. For more details visit:

Cheating Consultancy found

The Central Crime Branch police are investigating a complaint lodged by youths from different parts of the country that they were cheated by a couple of job consultants here who promised lucrative jobs and cheated them. According to police sources, the private job consultancy on Nelson Manickam road had posted an advertisement on a popular website calling for applications for jobs under different categories in Singapore and other countries, Candidates from West Bengal, Kerala and many districts in Tamil Nadu had applied online. They were called for an interview and asked to pay Rs.50,000 as consultation fee. The accused issued employment orders, visa and flight tickets that were later found fake. However, whne the victims realised that they were cheated and went to the consultancy office, it was closed. A special team has been formed to investigate.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Enticing Essay Topics

Whether you are in high school or college, essays are ways that teachers and professors gauge how you write and understand certain topics. The idea is to gather how you can explore and defend ideas and your ability to explore a thought from start to finish. Sometimes professors and teachers will give you a defined topic, but often they will give you the freedom to choose. There are a variety of ways to pick a title, but interesting reading topics can help you to write an essay that commands attention.

Gender Issues

One of the most prominent issues throughout society has been the struggle of genders, both individually and the power struggle against each other. Creating a dialogue about the problems that plague our culture when dealing with equality gives you a platform for discussing your ideals, ways that the gender struggle has improved and how it can continue to do so. You can add facts about salaries of men and women, women in the armed forces, maternity leave or how the family structure has changed over time. Make sure to defend your points with facts to strengthen your essay.

Another hot topic issue with an abundance of conversation pieces is the environment. To unique ways to overcome global warming to alternative fuels, an essay on this topic can give you the chance to explore your own thoughts regarding the way we treat our earth, and perhaps allow you to come up with your own solutions to negative factors that surround us. Everyone has their own conclusions in regards to how to save the earth; you can make your essay stand out by generating a discussion with unique solutions to the environmental issue of your choosing.

Whatever topic you choose make sure you are clear and concise. Select a topic with many points to allow you to thoroughly express your ideas.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Online Finance Degree Information

If you worried or tired of getting reliable information and suggestion of online finance degree, then make sure that you check out best online networks available in market or web.
Dentist in Burbank

Online Masters in Finance Information

There are various online blogs out there in web, which help people with information and suggestion of online degree. The online masters in finance help people with information of getting finance degree online.

Online Finance Degree Information

If you were looking for career change or no looking for career with more opportunities, then make sure that you get degree in the respective stream. Getting an online finance degree from best networks available in market would be the effective solution.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Best IT certification for Job Information

The IT certification have become the trump card for today's graduates to get smart job placement. You may come across various IT Job certifications available in market that promises students with job. But not that all IT certifications out there in market would fetch you jobs, only few IT certifications provide value and opportunity for students. It is always better to refer What is the Best IT Certification for Job Placement and get information about IT certifications that suits you best.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

DATS Jobs recruitment site Information

Looking to find new career options or frustrated of present job opportunities, then make sure that you check out best online recruitment site like DATS JOBS for new options.