
Friday, August 5, 2022

Work-life balance or money matters in IT professionals’ life


In recent times, there has been a huge increase in attrition rates across the IT companies and most professionals prefer higher package while switching. While it may depend on individual’s preference and may often have justification for their preferences. However, I prefer work-life balance and peace of mind over higher package. Following was few of my perception on why I prefer to stay in my current job over the high paying new job:
  • Getting work done in quick time and leveraging internal connects: When your stay in a company for a long time, it always works out for you, as you can get your work completed in quick time and reach out to peers for any additional queries or suggestions. However, if you are moving to new company, if you must figure out things to get it done and may find difficulties in reaching out to relevant stakeholders to get clarifications.
  • Work-Life balance and peace of mind: Often work-life balance depends on the specific project and company’s policies. If you are tagged into a good project with no work on weekends or late nights and have comfortable work exposure at your existing company, then there is no point in switching to the new job and lose out your peace of mind or invaluable times with your family.

Above perception of not to change job for high pay package may change for person to person and it always based on individual’s preference of whether they want more money or peace of mind. For more such articles, please feel free to check out the articles published in “G R Team Sites”

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