
Sunday, September 16, 2018

No sign of rain slowing down on first day

After closing my office laptop with 30% of battery, I continued to browse through random stuff in my MacBook bro and still I kept it in the hotspot mode. Now the harder part started, I had old Samsung galaxy phone and an iPod Touch 5th generation, since the electricity was not there for a very long time I had charged both these devices to 100% and been browsing in my MacBook Pro. By around 7 PM I felt the harder pain, that my MacBook pro had run out of juice and since I have been using it has a hotspot, every other device which had dependency to internet lost the connection. While all these things were happening, there was continuous downpour of nonstop rain and for the first time during my entire stay at the apartment, I left my home and went to the portico to check out the things happening. When I stepped out I saw monster rains blasting left, right and center without any sign of slowing down and I spent few minutes there and went back to home. When I returned home, I didn’t know it was the last time I had signal bars in my mobile at home. Continue reading at “G R Team Sites”

Monday, September 10, 2018

17. Thought Recalculation of Salary Hike

After knowing from one of my colleagues that he got close to same hike which I have got and another colleague who got unimaginable hike percentage, I was devastated and was cursing myself for my fortune. My entire day got spoiled up and I don’t want to work on any opportunities assigned to me, due to low hike percentage and others being rewarded, while I was the one who has put in lot of effort in the team. Now I wanted to reach home early, just to soak in to my bad luck and low hike percentage. All of a sudden one of my team members, who was a manager pinging me, I thought he wanted to assign me new work and all of a sudden without any hesitation he asked me what was the hike percentage. After few minutes of silence, I conveyed him that I have not yet calculated my percentage and would convey him when I calculate it. He conveyed me that he wanted check whether the hike percentage was same for us or it differs from delivery team. But later I came to know that he actually betrayed me, continue reading at “G R Team Sites”.