Sanjay Gadhvi is baffled and upset because his film "Kidnap" finds itself at the centre of a controversy, perhaps "inspiring" the threat to kidnap Saurav Ganguly's daughter. Following newspaper reports that Saurav Ganguly has recieved threats through post that if he does not pay up Rs. 2 crore as advance ransom, his six-year-old daughter Sana would be kidnapped, Sanjay Gadhvi is not pleased. "This makes me terribly upset. First I have to go through all that the critics have said about the film and now people talking about my film inspiring a kidnap!" he says. It had happened earlier with "Dhoom" when bike robberies took place after the film was released.
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Information of New business school
Rajagiri Business School, the new institution founded by the Rajagiri College of Social Sciences Society, based in Kochi, recently inaugurated their distinctive offering, postgraduate in diploma in management(PGDM) in the areas of marketing, finance, human resources and information systems. The programme focuses on current developments in knowledge and practice in the world of management with emphasis on quantitative skills, soft skills and social sensitivity. It is aimed at comprehensive and integral development of individuals. developing procative and socially sensitive management professionals by imparting training in required technical, human and conceptual skills and providing training to the students to enable them to apply the best practices in management.