
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

cerebral palsy spastic diplegia

Spastic diplegia, is a form of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disease of a collection of disorders. It is usally a collection of movement disorders that when they are collected together you have cerebral palsy. There is damage of the brain and people have difficulty moving limbs or excessively stiff. Spastic diplegia is one of the three main types of cerebral palsy. The three types of cerebral palsy are spastic, athatoid and atastic. Spastic is by far the most common of the three.

Spastic diplegia's particular type just like the rest is because of some type of damage to the brain and it is usually the part of the brain that develops proper motor function. The nerve receptors in the spine that will lead to the muscles that are affected to have muscles become very stiff. Usually spastic diplegia cerebral palsy will affect the legs because spastic diplegia affects nerves around the lumbar and sacrum, which are parts of the spine. The muscles that have been tight or rigid for so long create stress over time. Most cases it will cause more damage. Such damage is tendinitis and arthritis. Both which cause pain to the person. Of course it totally depends on the severity of the case. Usually though the muscles will breakdown and cause the person premature physical exhaustion.

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