
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Information for Article Content

The recently started new 2-in-1 paid blogging and article advertisement platform has earned attention from bloggers who are looking for new and smarter way to monetize their sites, which is a hard to trick audience. There is quite a number of similar projects making a good use of Web 2.0 opportunities, first to mention is, of course,, but the rapid growth of client base suggest that this start-up project has caught a blogosphere wind to its sales! Definately, the public finds this project worthy enough. So what makes blog owners from all over the world sign up and and start hosting some other people’s posts, thus turning the system into a powerful SEO and PR tool? Let’s find this out.

First of all it is the simplicity. The system is not that simple as one may think, but starting from the sign-up screen and through to the cash out options (or to the campaign statistics reports, if advertisers are concerned) the user is carefully guided with the on screen help and tips on everything, there’s just no chance he or she would ever sit down and think for himself: "Okay. What do i do next?" Users are always given detailed options of what they would like to do next. The general approach used through over the site is: if it can be simplified, it must be simplified.

The next important moment is the deep understanding of the modern search engine optimization practices and attention to the common pitfalls. Both advertisers and bloggers are carefully protected from being penalized by the search engines, appropriate hints and techniques suggestions appear at the exact moments they may be needed. The team has been in SEO business since 2001 and that does appeal to the potential users.

But what really catches the focus audience is the automation and almost scientific approach to the process. Bloggers do not need to copy and paste articles on their sites (though there’s still such an option), instead they can install tiny plug-ins to their favorite blogging software which would download articles that match user-defined criteria and post them with just a couple of clicks. Moreover, keeps their protocols and data exchange format open, so advanced users can develop their own tools that would earn them money without user any interaction!

Automatic (with constant human supervising) fraud protection system balances the interests of advertisers and publishers (bloggers). Advertisers should never worry about their budget wasted on posting their press releases to the freshly created free ads-stuffed blogs, while owners of respected resources are guaranteed to receive prompt and adequate reward for hosting quality articles on their sites. To achieve this uses smart techniques like flexible money-back periods and software site evaluation based on many SEO factors like Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic rank, domain age, count of inbound and outgoing links and many other (the exact formula is kept secret for obvious reasons).

The has just celebrated its 3,000th client. Considering the current trends, analysts expect the 10000th user to register in around the December 2009, which would make this site a considerably serious player in the field of paid blogging.

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